A Few of My Favorite Things
1. The Player Handbook for Dungeons and Dragons has been my key to many of my best friendships I've made over the years. It's quite worn and tends to flip to specific often-used pages when opened. Many hands have touched this book, and I find that awesome. 2. The figure on top of the book is of an old childhood favorite character named Broly from the popular Japanese anime "Dragon Ball Z." He has very recently been reintroduced to the "Dragon Ball Super" series, and is by far a massive improvement on the original character. My younger brother got this for my birthday a year ago. 3. The small figure to the right of the book is a Dungeons and Dragons custom miniature of my second Dungeons and Dragons character, Rei Graywillow. He was a part of my longest running campaign of well over a year, and has had a huge impact on my previous friend group. At this point, he has absolutely outgrown his original concept; which I couldn't be happier for. 4. The opaqu...